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Friday, 5 August 2016

[Guest Post] Bright Culture Tuition Centre Helps Singapore Students Achieve Their Potential

Wow, it's not often that I speak about education-related content on my blog, but this is one that I feel is worth sharing, what with the ongoing buzz about education in Singapore. I myself have cousins who are studying there and I know how competitive it is. It's no wonder that more & more students are opting to go for after-school tuition lessons. Well, Bright Culture, one of the leading tuition centres in Singapore has something different to bring to the table and hopefully, it'll help you young readers who are reading my blog!


Grades are an important deciding factor on what many students will go on to do, both in and out of schooling. But in certain subjects, often those with a more mathematical core, many students find that their work doesn’t match up to their potential. In such cases, a student’s full potential can be unlocked through the use of a qualified tutor.

Bright Culture is one of the leading tuition centres in Singapore. Initially starting with only chemistry tutorsBased in several locations around Singapore, they currently conduct tuition lessons for maths, chemistry and physics.

Bright Culture has recently announced that they have a new branch, Bright Physics. Bright Physics have physics tutors who are trained to help motivate, encourage, and teach Singapore students. Their physics tutors are experienced, and provide the knowledge and experience needed for students to ace their exams.

Bright Physics understands that motivated students can produce astounding results, and focuses on motivating each of their students to do their best, both in exams and in everyday life. Teachers inspire their students with motivational stories and anecdotes, which help studying feel less stressful and go by faster. Tutors are hired based on their intellectual credentials and degrees, but also based on their ability to form positive relationships with all of their students so that their teachings will have the maximum impact. Thanks to their commitment to building these relationships between students and their teachers, Bright Physics sees many referrals from parents and other students.

Unlike other tutors who teach each of their students the same, their tutors takes the time to identify the limitations of each of her students in order to help them overcome those limitations and achieve a breakthrough. Her teaching style uses clear explanations, topic-by-topic summary, strategies to build on in order to obtain high grades, and a fun and lively atmosphere brimming with relevant games and riddles, all of which her students have attributed towards their improved grades.

“Exam times can be particularly tough on the children,” explains Joel Liu, founder for the company. “In our Physics Tuition classes, we provide students with secret and powerful, specially designed notes that can help give them an edge in their exams. We refer to these as our secret sauce notes, and they are known to improve the grades of our students. It doesn’t matter if you’re flat out failing or if you just want a little guidance in order to achieve A1, it’s important that you considering coming to some of our proven classes.”
Due to popular demand, Bright Culture will also start math tuition lessons really soon as well. Bright Culture sees proven results, thanks to their experienced tutors and their specially designed system of physics notes. The two together have proven a powerful method of motivating students and helping them to achieve their full potential in their physics exams.

So, with so many classes to offer, you can put your mind at ease and work towards your desired grades with the help of the dedicated tutors at Bright Culture Tuition Centre!

Disclaimer: This article is published in partnership with Bright Culture Tuition Centre, Singapore.

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